Vocal Arts Program
Below you will meet our visiting guest faculty of the Vocal Arts Program. Please review the whole page so you understand the scope of the program. Additionally, at the bottom of the page, you will see the programming we are planning to do for 2023 season. Programming is subject to change considering the level of our applicants.

Program Description
Forge friendships that will last a lifetime.
The Austrian Vocal Academy is a two week intensive training program for young singers (high school and college) interested in pursuing a career in music. The program takes places in Weyer Austria, a village in the Austrian mountains known for music education and excellency.
The Faculty includes famous professors and such as Daniel Sarge (The Vienna State Opera), Evenly Schorkuber (The Richard Wagner Conservatory), Stephanie Houtzeel and (New York City Opera). Each participant will work closely with the faculty on daily basis.
AVA participants will perform and take lessons in the Ereger Schloss Castle, a well known music school and artistic center in the heart of Weyer. For the final performance AVA students will travel collectively to Vienna Austria, and perform in the music capital of the world.
Private Lessons
Ensemble Coachings
Local transit
Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Cultural Excursions